Monday, May 26, 2008

Camping for Memorial Holiday Weekend

Yes we were brave and attempted to go camping for the holiday weekend. I wasn't thrilled with the idea since my fever just finally broke on Friday and nothing had been done to de-winterize our trailer. Of course all it took was Hunter with his cute big blue eyes to say, "come on mom let's go camping, it will be so much fun!"
We went up Ogden canyon to my parents spot up at the Eagles. Troy had to work on Saturday for a bit so at least I had a few hours to get the trailer ready. The weather held out most of the weekend. I must say that our trailer is no where near big enough for all of us and we still have a son coming to visit for the summer at the end of June! LOL! Here is TJ enjoying the new area rug . . .

Diesel is like a bull in a china cabinet. We were brave and decided to leave the kennel home for the weekend and just let him ride in the trailer with Jake and Charli. What a joke! The damn dog is not allowed on furniture at home, but apparently he forgot the rules when we went camping. He was on the bed, on the couch, and even on the counters trying to look out the window.

We started bed time last on Saturday so it was a circus! TJ is used to being in a dark quiet room, Hunter likes to watch a movie to settle down, so it took us some time to get the boys down for bed. TJ wasn't sure about the bed. We folded down the kitchen table and used Shelly's bed guard for him. The bed was far to big for TJ and he was up three times. Hunter's allergies were really bad so he was coughing most of the night. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep that first night.
Sunday the weather wasn't too bad so we got the dogs out and let them play for a bit. Diesel and Mille actually got along for the weekend. Much better on her territory than on his!
Millie had a bad belly on Saturday so she wasn't her normal self, but by Sunday she was back to her normal playful self and enticed Troy into playing with her toys.
I had a little bit of a melt down yesterday with all the dog hair, mud and mess in our trailer. My cute mom could see I was in distress so she took the boys and got them ready for bed in her trailer so I could have a few minutes to clean up ours before the boys went to bed!

I set up the play pen for TJ to sleep Sunday night since he is used to that. Hunter watched a movie in grandma and grandpa's trailer so TJ could go to bed in peace in quiet. Well once it was time for Troy and I to go to bed, we let the dogs in for the night . . . Diesel thought the table was still made down for a bed and jumped up. Shook the whole trailer, scared him half to death as he scattered across the table, over the side bench, narrowly missing Hunter's head, while he slept in the hide a bed, to get back to the floor. It was crazy!

Here are a few more pictures of Hunter I took during the weekend as well.

Jake and Charli got to have some outside time too! Jake is so funny, looking so pitiful!

The first time out is always the hardest, new routines, new beds, this year getting used to one very large dog! Hopefully the next time will be a little bit better.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

So cute! I love these pics. You have such a cute family and I was so excited to see that things are better between Millie and Diesel. It just takes time. I love the are rug pic. That is sooo cute. Diesel is just so cute and cuddly! I just want to curl up right on top of him! Jake and Charli look so cute laying there! I just miss you all so much!