Monday, April 27, 2009

A night at the park . . .

It wasn't extremly warm outside tonight, but bearable if we put jackets on. The boys were full of energy after dinner so we decided to head to the park. They were making me laugh so I decided to take some pictures with my camera phone.

TJ has this new face he pulls where he crinkles his nose, it looks like he is saying no but I just took the picture at the right time. It was funny!

Watching Hunter this year makes me realize even more how grown up he is. He would have nothing to do with the monkey bars last year, now he can go across them like they are nothing. It looks like he is going to fall, but each time he whips himself around and just keeps on going.

Last year TJ didn't like the twirly slide, he thought it was too high, now he just runs right up there and loves going down. When I told him I wanted to take a picture he actually said "cheese". LOL!Hunter thinks its pretty cool to do tricks off the fire pool too! Crazy boy!
Once again Hunter has to stick his tongue out just as I take his picture. LOL!
All in all it was a fun night. Glad the boys got out for a few minutes to burn off some energy before bed time.


Lisa said...

Way cute pics! Glad they could get out and enjoy the great weather!

Jen said...

Aren't playgrounds sooo much cooler than when we were little?