Friday, December 26, 2008

Thackeray 2008 Christmas Party . . .

Carolyn and I have been friends for over 10 years now. In the summer we have our annual Bear Lake Trip and in December we are included with their family Christmas party. We look forward to each year because there's great food and the boys get to see Santa. Unfortunately we missed the dinner part since the freeway was closed last Saturday due to idiots who couldn't drive in the snow . . . but we made it in time for Santa! We always have a chat with Hunter before hand to remind him that Santa is not scary and that it is okay to sit on his lap. No hesistation this year!
TJ freaked last year when Santa called his name, but not this year! The second Santa mentioned treat, he was off. That's all he cared about was the treat, he could have cared less about the present! The second picture is my favorite. I love how he is holding Santa's hand and just looking up listening. So precious!
Hunter got a new Spider Man game! Thanks to Aunt Lisa and Lindsay for helping Santa get that present. Kinda a little history about that present . . . last year Aunt Lisa gave Hunter a Spider Man game. He played it constantly. While we were packing and moving this summer we had a neighbor boy stop by and play with Hunter. Well the boy ending up stealing the game from our home. I confronted him and his parents but they stood their ground. I find it very interesting that a 10 year old would have the same game that is intended for 5 year olds, but whatever! So since then Hunter has talked non stop about asking Santa for a new game. I had looked everywhere. I finally told Lisa the story and she was able to look back through her stuff and get me the name of the right one. Lindsay, a friend I work with, ordered it for me through her account on Amazon. So thank you very much Lisa and Lindsay for helping make Hunter's visit with Santa extra special this year! He was so excited when he got the game!!!
TJ loves magnics. He has the ABC's and animals. So now he has the car wash one that has a train, a boat, a plane and car that makes all sorts of noises and sounds. It's cute to watch him play with it now. He is getting too big too fast!
As we are getting ready to leave I realize we didn't have a family Christmas picture yet so Carolyn took one of us. Of course being the end of the night Hunter was ongry, but oh well at least we got one this year! Now that I am back on Weight Watchers hopefully next year I won't have 14 chins! LOL! I just love ALL my boys, they are the cutest!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love the family picture, you all look great!