Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas 2009

Santa definately didn't miss our house this year. Jake is making sure Santa got everything placed just right for Hunter.TJ made out like a bandit at well. Notice Santa didn't forget the ET toy!
I remember as a kid my sister and I hung out in the bedroom with Mom while Dad went to see if Santa came. Troy and I continue that same tradition with our boys. The boys couldn't wait to see what they got . . .
TJ was so excited to see the ET toy . . .Santa even brought ET the movie for his new DVD player.
TJ was excited to watch a movie all by himself in his own DVD player. He made himself comfy right in the middle of the living room . . .
Santa was smart and brought ET for Hunter as well.
Santa hid Hunter's DS as the bottom of his stocking, Hunter's reaction was so cute, "a DS are you kidding me!?"
Hunter boy also asked for cowboy boots like his daddy. He found some he liked that were John Deere at IFA so that is what he opened from his dad and I.
Troy has to go on the roof quite often at work and needless to say it's damn cold! So the boys and I got him a face mask to help keep him warm.
Jake and Charli got bones from Santa too . . .
Bryan, Kristi and the kids got our boys Lightning McQueen sleeping bags. The boys ask for their own bags each time we go camping. Thanks Runchel family for spoiling our boys!
Grandma Sue and Grandpa Steve got the boys cool Transformer sheets, and all sorts of goodies and snacks. They gave Troy and I a meat package to fill our freezer. We get to enjoy our Christmas gift all through out the year. Thanks Mom and Dad! We love you very much. More pictures to come with our day with Grandma and Grandpa. My camera batteries died so the rest are on Grandma Sue's camera. I figured I have waited long enough to post, so more to come soon!

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