Friday, October 30, 2009

TJ's Birthday Weekend . . .

So when I pulled out my camera on Tuesday I realized I still had TJ's birthday pictures on it and thought I really should post them! I am a bit late, but like my cute friend Jenny said last week at dinner, everything doesn't have to be posted in chronological order.

On Friday October 9th Silvio's wedding reception was in Ogden. Then afterwards we went to my dear friend Ange's house. I haven't seen her since TJ was a baby so it was nice to catch up for a minute. Unfortunatley I didn't have my camera.

The boys were exhausted by the time we got home. Hunter didn't even stir when Troy brought him into the house. Since the boys have bunk beds now it's a bit difficult to get Hunter ready for bed when he is dead to the world so I had Troy put him on our bed. Once again he didn't even stir . . .
Once we got the boys into bed Troy and I were laughing because this is how we found Jake, ready on Troy's side of the bed . . . On Saturday the 10th Bubba turned 3. I can't believe how big TJ is getting! We got him a bike for his birthday and a new winter coat. He knew he was getting a McQueen cake for his birthday party but that wasn't until Sunday. Boy was he pissed first thing Saturday morning when he woke up and I didn't have his cake. Before we gave him his bike he opened up Monsters vs. Aliens from Hunter and his winter coat from Troy and I.
Hunter kindly reminded me Friday night at Wal-mart that he gets to open a present with McQueen paper too. I had completely forgot about wrapping a toy for TJ on Hunter's 5th birthday. I am so glad Hunter said something because I would have felt awful forgetting. Hunter was very excited to get Megatron!
Here is the cool new bike . . .
TJ wanted to go bowling for his birthday. So Saturday afternoon Troy and I took the boys to Wild Bills in town. They loved it! Aunt Nic this picture is for you, they got the same style of shoes as you did on our date night! LOL!
TJ was determined to carry his own ball to the stand to push it. So cute!
Hunter after rolling the ball as hard as he could . . .
After we finished bowling we went to Jenny's house to pick up Bubba's cake. He loved it! I had to hide it in the trailer for the night so TJ didn't help himself before his birthday party.
On Sunday afternoon the family came up for cake and ice cream. TJ loved the army trucks from Grandma and Grandpa Lane . . .
Cathey, Nate and Mikyia gave TJ a remote control Thomas train. He loves to make it go in circles.
Thanks to Grandma Sue and Grandpa Steve for getting TJ clothes. Very much needed since he is finally starting to grow . . .
TJ was so excited to open the sack from Aunt Melissa, Uncle Jeremy, Cameron, Kya and Mayla. Inside Cameron had placed Ramone from CARS. Bubba always plays with the car when we go to visit so Cameron got up really early Sunday morning to find it so it could be included in the present sack. What a sweet cousin!
Once the presents were done, TJ was excited that is was finally cake time!
Bubba laughed the whole time we sang happy birthday to him . . .
TJ is so dang cute and we love him to death! I can't believe that he is already 3, time flies! Now he just wants to skip 4 and go right to 5 so he can go to kindergarten like big brother!


Anonymous said...

No skipping ages!!! The cake was darling. I am sad I was out of town! And ps ~ my shoes were glo-in-the-dark, velcro, but they glowed!! ;) No picking on my velcro shoes!!! :)

Jenny said...

Cute post. Your boys are dang cute.