Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thriller . . .

Early Saturday morning I got a text from Mindy asking if I would be her date to Thriller that afternoon. I didn't hesitate and said YES! We were on the down hill side of moving, but I have the best hubby ever. He said he would finish moving, I could spend the day with the girls. So later that morning off we went to the Red Iguana in Salt Lake for lunch. Very yummy Mexican food!

What's a girl day without pictures! Mindy and I . . .
Debbie, Mindy's mom is so fun! Can definately tell they are mom and daughter . . .I have met Jamie, Mindy's cousin, a few times over the last few years but have really gotten to know her these last few months. Jamie is a hoot! The girls, Devinne and Tyra are hillarious!
Here is Mindy being silly pretending to have a mustache! What a goofy girl!
Once we got to Kingsbury Hall we were greeted by zombies as we went in. Very creepy!
It was a fabulous day! Mindy is one of my closest friends and I love her to death! I appreciate her kindness and all the love she shares with my family! I never would have thought to go to Thriller, but thanks to Mindy I got to experience it! What a blast!!!!

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