Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kindergarten Round-up . . .

WOW! Where has the time gone? I can't believe it's already time for kindergarten. It seems like yesterday when Troy and I were sitting in the doc's off, right after mother's day to get confirmation I was pregnant after several years of trying and triple the dose of fertility pills. I blinked again and I was going into labor at Flying J with my cute friend Christie counting how long my contractions were! Now five years later, Hunter and I went this morning for his kindergarten testing. Hunter boy has been so excited for months, it was nice this morning to have him get right out of bed, he picked out his clothes last night, the morning went off without a hitch! LOL!

While I was filling out the paperwork they took Hunter. 15 minutes later he came running back with a cookie and a book. "Look mom I got a cookie and it's before lunch!" I looked at the teacher who brought him back expecting an update on Hunter and all she said was "thanks for coming in". Wait, what, that's it? She proceeded to tell me that if there was a problem with anything they would have come and talked to me. The school hasn't determined if they will have all day kindergarten yet again next year so hopefully mid-June or so we will know if Hunter will go to an am or pm class or my first choice, all day kindergarten.

As we were walking to the truck I asked Hunter how it went. He told me that he wrote his name, even used a lower case "e", which is huge right now because he always wants to write an "E". He did his shapes and colors, then goes "mom, they only had me count to 10 and I can count to 100." I just hugged him and told him I knew how smart he was and before long he could share that with his new teacher in August. He has learned the months of the year and knows he will start school in August, it's cute to hear him sing about it!


Jenny said...

I would vote for an all day Kindergarten as well. Brielle goes for 2 1/2 hours, she always comes home with worksheets that are only half done because they didn't have time to finish them in class. She can't wait to be at school all day and be able to eat lunch there like her brothers.
I am glad that Hunter is excited to go to Kindergarten. August will be here before we know it.

Jen said...

Awww! What a big boy! I just love watching all the things they grow to do, it's amazing!