to my cute friend Lisa! We went grocery shopping today with her shoe box of coupons and she was nice enough to share. I have been dragging my feet on this whole pinching your pennies thing, but after what I saw today, I need to get started!
Thanks again Lisa, you are a true friend and I love you very much!
All is well here. Troy is working this weekend. Brianna and Brittnay came and watched the boys for me so I could grocery shop and get my nails done. Troy brought home crates of wood so he can build a deck in our patio area. That will be nice and plus it will get rid of the mud that is there now. Troy completed most of the fence repairs that we needed done to contain the dogs. We just need to find that magic money tree for gates. LOL!
At the boy's daycare they have been talking about having an emergency plan in case of a fire, earthquake, etc. and tonight before bed Hunter was telling me how important it was to have a fire alarm so I showed him where ours was. He thought ours should have a big light on it, like the one at school, I just smiled and said it still works the same, it will make a loud noise if there is a fire. He also told me about calling 911 in an emergency. I just amazes me how fast he is growing up!
The other day I was empting out my purse with change and got out the coin jar. I gave the coins to the boys to put in their banks, it was the first time that TJ actually wanted to participate. The boys sat at the table and put coins in their banks for almost an hour. It was cute. TJ's is a big pig and sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Every once in awhile TJ would turn the pig around and kiss it on the nose. It was funny! Hunter's is a cow bank, every so often each boy would say MOO MOO. While I was making dinner Hunter was teaching TJ the words to the song. Just another great memory to add to the file box when they are fighting and crying. LOL!
Diesel has finally realized that if he is not so rowdy in the house he gets more time inside with us. With the weather turning bad I have been trying to work with him on his house manners. LOL! I am still struggling with the counter surfing though, Drives me crazy!!! He is just such a big dog, like a bull in a china cabinet. I feel guilty leaving the dogs out all day and half the night until I go to bed, but this little house isn't big enough for two busy little boys and three rowdy dogs. We still have a lot of work ahead of us with Diesel, but these little steps makes things a tad bit easier. We have been spoiled for so long with Jake and Charli, we hardly know they were around because they find a corner and sleep, but Diesel, hell he's an area rug in a room!