Friday, August 22, 2008

Another birthday party . . .

Angie and I have been friends since we were kids. Her daughter Ambree has the same birthday as my nephew so usually we don't make it to Ambree's birthday party. This year worked out though since Ambree's party was a different weekend. We meet at a park and the kids had a great time . . .
Here is cute little Ambree who just turned 4. She is a mini me of Angie I think. Proud Grandma Carolyn in the background . . .
Here is Hunter enjoying one of Ambree's birthday presents, I can't believe how far technology has come!

And here is a cute picture of Brenna after enjoying a piece of cake. She looks just like her sister Ambree . . .

Thanks Angie for a fun Saturday afternoon! You have a beautiful family and I look forward to the next party in October!

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