When I first started up loading pictures I came across this one with TJ and his goggles he got for Easter and couldn't resist posting it! He is so damn cute!

We got a special visit from Travis and Linda! We were so excited to see them, I was pregnant with TJ the last time we saw them. Of course Hunter boy and Bubba took right to Grandpa Travis and Grandma Linda. It was so fun to visit and catch up! Linda wasn't feeling well the day we went to dinner, but I couldn't let them leave without at least one picture!

Also in April Troy got moved to the day shift! I teased a lot about what we were going to do having Troy home every night, but all I can say is WE LOVE IT!!! Of course we had a few trials those first few days . . . Troy forgot Wednesday was early day, so he took Hunter an hour late to school, then got a call later that afternoon, 45 minutes AFTER school got out, from Hunter's teacher, "did you forget that it was early out today?" LOL! Thursday that week was a nice sunny day so the boys spent most of the day outside. Of course Dad forgot sunscreen on the boys! TJ was so red and cried when it was time to lay down. I placed cool wet towels on his arms. He thought it was cool to be a mummy to go to bed!

My little sis is so talented! She made Peter dolls to sell at a craft fair and of course I had to have some too! I have put this one at our bar . . .

This one is my favorite and looks dang cute in our kitchen!!!

Melissa made a really cute golfer one for mom for her birthday. Mom got a new job at her corporate office so Troy, I and the boys got Mom a new Spring outfit to wear to the office.
On April 20th I went in for surgery on my wrist. The surgery on the wrist wasn't bad, but I cussed like a sailor when the doc put the plasma injection in my arm. LOL I wasn't completely knocked out, just in the twilight zone, so that shot I clearly remember!

The Saturday after my surgery was my birthday . . . and it was great this year . . . I spent the morning with my cute mom. I picked up dinner from Andy's on the way home . . . and came home to this . . .

Kristie and the girls brought it over while I was in Ogden with Mom. Hunter put on ALL 34 candles and TJ got to decorate it! Kristie and the girls also gave me some live plants, since all of our others died at the old house since it was so dark! HURRAY! Along with this cake we got to enjoy brownies made by Bryan who included symphany bars too and red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting from mom! My cute parents gave me sandals . . . I went shopping for summer clothes and Troy told that he was off the hook for a gift! I got yummy smelling lotions, a wall clock and a cute welcome sign from other dear friends as well!
TJ loved playing with the balloons and after a day and late night of festivities here is how we found him . . .

So as you can see April was a bit crazy for us and that is the reason it's been so long since I have blogged! LOL