Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Weekend

Well today Troy started his new shift. It wasn't too bad this morning getting the boys ready, but of course I had their dad's help which was really nice. Troy had to work his normal shift last night and didn't get home until 11:00pm so he went in at 7am. Monday will be the big challenge because Troy has to be to work by 5:30 and I will be on my own. LOL! It will be fine, it will just take the boys a few days to adjust to the new time. They are used to sleeping until 8:30 or 9 everyday so to be up by 6:30 is quite a shock.

Today is my Friday. Our daycare provider has obligations tomorrow so I get to spend the day with the boys. HURRAY!!! It will be nice to have three days off, and it's a holiday weekend to boot. We are going to a friend's house on Saturday for a BBQ and the kids get to color eggs for Easter. Hunter boy remember's last year and is really excited. TJ will be fun this year too since he is old enough to color eggs too! Hunter is a little disappointed that he cannot wear shorts and a tank top. I told him if it was warm enough we might be able to sneak some shorts, but it will be awhile before he can wear his tank tops.

On my way to work today, I was stopped at a stop light and notice that diesel fuel was $4.07 a gallon here in Logan! OUCH! We might as well sell our big truck and get a gas engine at these prices. Troy and I remember six years ago when we first got the truck $35 would fill the truck, now it's over a $100 to fill when it's on "e". CRAZY!

Well I hope everyone has a fabulous Easter weekend and I look forward to updating everyone about our fun filled weekend! Love to all!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

These gas prices are crazy! Before to long next to the credit card swiper on the pump there will be a place you can donate blood or a limb! Have a Happy Easter! Love you!