Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Santa definately didn't forget our house this year! The boys ended up with Vtech laptops, leapsters, Curious George animal with book, match box trucks, learning books, pj's and new toothbrushes. Santa was smart and brought 2 of everything! Makes things nicer in our house with two boys who want what the other brother has! LOL!

I got Troy a new grill for our counter. Also a DVD cleaner (much cheaper than replacing our DVD's), a new belt and boxers. We have an anatomic clock as well, but Diesel ate the sensor at our old house so it no longer tells us the outside temperature, so I got Troy a new one. I didn't know you could just replace the sensor until after the gift was bought so now we will have one for the trailer too! I wanted some turtlenecks so for the first time in years, Troy actually went shopping! I got some beautiful turtleneck sweaters, a nice pair of comfy jammie's and new house slippers! One for inside and one for outside. He is tired of me stealing his each time I need to run outside really quick!

We got hit with a really bad snow storm so unfortunatley, my parents or Troy's mom didn't made it for a visit. Grandpa Lane and Leann made it though! It was really nice to have some one on one time with them. Leann made a cool candy book. She got tired of looking in this book or that book for a certain receipe so she collected her favorites and put it in a binder. I was lucky enough to get a copy! Thank you Leann. I look forward to attemping to make candy next year! She and Lane also gave us a movie gift card. Make note Nichole and Mindy for our date night in January! No excuses from Troy now that we can't go! LOL! The boys got books, trucks and pj's too. Thanks Cathey and Makiya for sending the boys presents!

Aunt Nic and Uncle Clint got the boys gift cards so I did some shopping and put the gifts under the tree. The boys were excited when they got Kung Fu Panda and Horton Hears a Who. With the gift card I also bought the boys underwear. Hunter has been asking for boxers like he dad and at the moment it is all about Transformers in our house. TJ loves Thomas the Train so hopefully that will be more incentive for him to go potty more often in the big boy potty! Thanks Aunt Nic and Uncle Clint! You are loved more than you will ever know!

Bryan, Kristi and the kids came over in the afternoon for dinner. The kids spent the day playing their DS's and leapsters. Towards the end of the night I got a cute picture of all the kids sitting on the couch in their pj's playing their games. Hunter wanted to play in the snow all day, so once Tori and Dallas arrived, they played outside for a bit. When Hunter was done, he was a snowball front to back. His snow pants and coat were soaked, they weighed as much as he did! LOL! Bryan brought over the Hulk movie. Hunter and TJ thought it was awesome! At one of the fight sceens, TJ was funny he kept saying "scare me" as he was laughing at the TV. Goofy kid! We, the adults, spent the night playin Skipbo.

It was different not having my parents here for the day. We did enjoy the day though and I think we had a really nice Christmas. We missed having Travis this year, but we talked to him last night on the phone. Sounds like he had a really nice Christmas too! We look forward to his summer visit! Now the fun begins on taking the holiday stuff down, putting all the new toys away, hanging up the new clothes and hopefully getting the house back in order! I am one that usually likes the tree up through the New Year, but tomorrow is Hunter's birthday party and our living room is really small. I thought we should take it down today, but Hunter wants it up for his birthday, so we will see who wins! LOL!

Love to all and I hope everyone had has wonderful Christmas as we did!!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looks like you guys had a very memorable Christmas! Yea!!!!! Santa was good to all of you!