Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sick of being sick!

After going to the arcade last week my left eye got really red. I was thinking it was just allergies so went to bed and didn't think anything of it! I woke up Saturday morning with a goopy eye and it was so swollen I looked like a Chinese lady with a fat eye! I went through the weekend hoping it would get better and went to the eye doctor on Monday. I have a severe eye infection, worse than pink eye! The prescription he gave me, well the medicine should be made a gold because it was $75 for a small bottle that would only last me a week. Thank goodness for my friend Shelly, who has connections, could get me samples instead!

By Tuesday I was beat. I felt like I had the flu. I wasn't throwing up or anything, I just hurt everywhere! It took everything I had to make it through the day at work. By the time I got home I was ready for bed. I told Troy I would put dinner in the oven and lay down for a bit. Well I did just that, put dinner in the oven, took a nap, and forgot to turn the damn oven on! We had sandwiches for dinner instead! Troy took my temperature and it was 102. No wonder I couldn't function.

My eye is no longer red, but it' still swollen and seeping. I haven't been able to break the fever. This is my second day home from work and it is still 101.5, right out of bed. I rotate Tylenol and Motrin every 2 hours. My eye doctor said I should have seen drastic improvement by now with the drops. He thinks my body has been fighting an infection for some time and it festered with my eye and I need an antibiotic. My OB thinks its just a viral infection, keep with the eye drops to clear up the bacteria and I need to ride it out. Well this ride is getting really old!!! My OB said if I still have a fever by tomorrow to call him. Hopefully I don't, 3 days is long enough!

Troy has been really good. He has had to do double duty because I am in no shape to do anything. He works all day, comes home takes care of the kids, mows the lawn, and gets the kids to bed. He has even vacuumed the house and cleaned the shower! What a great hubby I have!!!


Jenny said...

That sounds terrible. I feel bad for you. It sounds like Troy is being great. Take advantage of it. Get some rest. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Lisa said...

I hope you feel better soon. Let Troy pamper you, you deserve it! Give the kids and the dogs hugs and kisses for me and please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!


Laura Stephens said...

I hope you're feeling better! I can totally relate, since I just finished my 4th (yes, 4th) round of antibiotics to get rid of bronchitis. There are some really strong bugs out there! Not fun at all. It's great to have family close by that can help out when you just can't function! :)