Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our first official post . . .

Well I finally decided to create a blog on our family! This is my first shot at this so be patient, I am still learning!

The boys are doing great. Hunter is on Spring break this week and is really upset that he only got to go to school one day this week instead of three. He has to call Grandma Sue nightly with an update. He knows her number front to back. Before he can hit the green button he has to read the numbers to me, just so I know he isn't calling China or something! I am working on grandpa’s number too, but at least he has grandma’s number memorized. He also knows Troy's number, he calls his dad every night to say good night. That will change here soon because Troy is going to start working days. We won't know what to do having him home every night and on the weekends too! After 10 years we will be working the same shift, will be interesting that's for sure!!!

Hunter can count to 50, spell his name (almost the last name too!) and can count from 10 backwards to 1. I take the boys swimming two nights a week and they love it. Hunter has come a long ways since we first started. He will wear his life jacket and will play in the water all by himself and realizes he isn’t going to drown. He really likes the deep end too, but they won’t let him have his life jacket past the 5 ft section so I take him there a few times. He has walked out on the diving board but isn’t ready to jump yet with me out there to catch him, but I think that will come. TJ is fun at the pool too, I put him in a small tube and walk laps while Hunter plays. There are two other families that go with us so they are very helpful when I need it. TJ loves to splash and no longer freaks out when I take him under water for a second. We only go for about an hour, but it’s exercise for all of us and it’s fun for the boys. It will be nice when Troy can join us too in a few weeks.

TJ is growing up so fast, I can't believe he will be 18 months old next month. He is talking more and more each day. He is always asking to "go". He loves to play peek-a-boo and go vroom vroom with the trucks through the house. He knows where his eyes, nose and ears are. When I ask him where his belly button is, he looks down his shirt and laughs. We have put him up to the table and got rid of his high chair and he just thinks that is pretty dang neat! He asks to "touch" everything. My mom has bear candles in her kitchen and those are TJ's favorite, he even makes a blowing sound when he puts them to his mouth, it's really cute!

We have all adjusted to Diesel I think. For those of you who don't know . . . Troy brought home a nine month old St. Bernard the Saturday before Christmas and we have all had some adjusting to do! Yesterday, March 17th was his first birthday!

Diesel got sick a few weeks ago so that was trying to figure it all out, but it was something simple, he had worms. He was losing his hair in clumps, which was very messy in the house and sent me over the edge so we had him buzzed and it looks much better. He is much better in the house for me than for Troy. I don’t take his crap and put him in his place. So now I can have him in the house and even have food on the counter and he stays out of the kitchen most days. At night he just lays at the top of stairs like a good dog, but boy watch out the second Troy walks through that door. He thinks it’s play time! Kinda funny that he is so good for me, usually it’s the other way around. Jake has adjusted pretty good. I think it’s funny that Diesel has given him a taste of his own medicine. Jake is still the Alpha dog of the house. Charli cannot see, only shadows, and Diesel respects that most of the time. He has tried to cross that line a few times and she just puts Diesel in his place.

Well I think that about covers it for now. I will try and update as often as I can. Love to all!!!


Lisa said...

Love! I am so excited that you have a blog and I love the pics and the background! I love argyle! You need to post Jake and Charli pics too! This is awesome! Love you!

James & Shawn said...

Yea! Looks great! I am glad you finally got your blog started :)

Shayne & Mindy said...

Shell!!! Ah! Too Dang Cute! We love it! Thanks for including us, we will check in often. Love ya